If you are looking to avail Supply Chain Finance then you can get up to 50 lacs.
As a supplier your time consume from producing raw material to implement & supplying in to buyer & even after you were waiting for the payment, let your worry be aside wherein supply chain provide you the facility of get quick access to cash with the invoices received. Check your criteria
Eligibility Criteria depends on various factors like age of individual, repayment history, business sales/turnover& Creditworthiness …etc.
Note: – You can avail up to 50 lakh as a maximum loan amount
What are the factors generally affecting Supply chain finance Eligibility Criteria?
There are top factors that generally affects supply chain eligibility criteria as given below: –
Individual Age: – All banks & NBFC’s have age criteria, for this type of facility availing ensure that at time of application your age should not exceed 65 above & below 25 years.
Cash flow of business: – If your cash flow management are goods, you will be eligible to avail finance, but in case there is any drop back in management, your chances get lower here itself.
To increase eligibility, you need to consider Top points as given below, this will aid you in increasing your eligibility level.
Make the least usage of credit card: – Make ensure that you don’t exceed 30% of your credit utilization. As it will led to lower credit score, therefore make the least use of credit to increase your eligibility.
Avoid applying to several lenders: – Avoid applying loan to several lenders at the same time as each time when they check your credit score it gets affected. By following this points, it enhances chances of getting loan.
No, you are not required to pledge any Collateral or Assets to get financed as the credit facility obtained in seamless manner.
If you are looking to avail Supply Chain Finance then you can get up to 50 lacs.
You can get it with simple steps, either online or offline both available as per your convenience you can apply where few documentations required as it fast processing credit facility.
Whether you are a supplier or buyer for both it works great by increasing Working Capital & lowering Supply Chain risks. This credit facility can be obtained to improve day-to-day operational expenses of business.
It removes the financial blockage on working capital & improve your cash flow ultimately provide you the power of negotiation. Do you know by getting Supply Chain Finance your risk level gets lower.
This facility aids to improve liquidity of business workflow engaged in sales transaction & lower financing costs at the same time. As it’s favorable to buyer who have the good credit rating can easily access to capital at lower cost as compared to seller.
Supplier used to sell his/her higher invoice to financial institutions at better rates & able to get quick access to liquidity. This will help to meet day-to-day operational business requirements.